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Contact Us Versión Español

EXTRACURRICULAR ACTIVITIES: Trinity School’s English and Spanish programs provide numerous opportunities for students to develop their interpersonal skills, in all grades, through a variety of projects to interact in groups and pursue individual interests, based on activities that are integrated to school subjects such as physical education, arts and crafts, music, dance, drama, chess, science fairs, math and spelling bee contests. Camp outs, on and off campus, and abroad, are offered every year. Aside from this, students can join guided tours on national and international field trips, to visit places and collect data for study purposes.

PSYCHOLOGY, GUIDANCE AND COUNSELING DEPARTMENT: This service is full time for all grades. The program strives to help students value and actively engage in the learning process, to maximize their learning potentials, and to protect their self-esteem. Outside psychological evaluations and diagnosis are requested when necessary.

NURSE STATION – Ambulance Service: The nurse renders appropriate attention to the school community. Medication is administered to students only with a doctor´s prescription, with the proper instructions. The nurse may also dispense medication to students, but only with parents’ written request, or a validated phone call. In the event of sudden illness or accident, the nurse will inform parents, and an ambulance service will be called to transport the student to a nearby clinic or hospital most preferred by parents.

SECURITY AND EMERGENCIES: To ensure the security of the school community, Trinity School implemented a security system with 24 hour a day guards, and surveillance cameras covering the entire campus. In case of an emergency, parents will be alerted by e-mail, text message, and mobile phone. Parents must provide the school with up-to-date, accurate contact information to reach them as quickly as possible should it be necessary. 


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